Wednesday 14 November 2012

Hi to everyone,
 Nice to meet you all in Parent's Evening this week to catch up on the latest news about your children.As stated last week, your children will be receiving their Reading folders this week if they are in Reception.
             We had an exciting first half term with a visit by the doctor and nurse, and lots of exciting questions from the children.
                        The class are enjoying their role play area - the Doctor's Surgery with some real doctors equipment donated by Dr. Meredith who came to visit!
                          They are also enjoying finding out about life at home over 100 years ago and have been very enthusiastic to join in with 'washday' and trying porridge for breakfast.
                       A reminder also that it is 'Children in Need' on Friday so don't forget pyjamas!
     Your children should also recieve information this week about what to dress in for the Christmas concert which is already underway!
Thank you Mrs. Brown    Mrs. Evans

Sunday 16 September 2012

Hi all,

Welcome back. The children have settled in really well and are getting used to the new routines and classroom.  Miss Williams is now Mrs Evans!  She had a super wedding in Cyprus!

I'm sure you have all read the letter we sent out about the term ahead of us. If you have any queries please call in and see me. Thanks for all completing the sheets on 'All About Me'. We have already looked at some ideas that were suggested.

The Year One children are looking at 'Ble wyt ti'n byw?'  They are designing their own house using different shapes in Maths, as well as looking at the area we live and their addresses.
Can I remind you that PE day is a Monday and that children need to bring a pair of wellies to school as we will be starting Forest School shortly

We have a fun term ahead of us!

Bye for now!

Mrs Brown and Mrs Evans

Sunday 1 July 2012

Grandparents afternoon!

Just a quick reminder please can children bring their recyclable item of clothing they have made to school tomorrow in readiness for our Grandparents afternoon on Thursday.  I hope you have asked your grandparents to come!  It starts 2pm thursday, in the hall or outside if fine.  There will be drinks, cakes and a raffle too!

Thanks area 3 staff

Sunday 13 May 2012

Welcome all to our new theme ' Ar Lan y Mor' or 'At the Seaside'. A very big Thank you to all the children who have brought in lots of shells, pebbles, sea weed and books about the beach and pirates!
We will learn lots about different types of sea creatures this term and also find out about holidays,
Thank you also for the great support given for World Book Day and for all the books donated to Uganda.

Mrs. Brown and Miss Williams

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Easter Craft

We have also been very busy with Easter Art and Craft and a big Thankyou for all the egg boxes !

Newport Wetlands

Well the children all had a really lovely day out at the wetlands. The weather was certainly on our side and lots of pond dipping and bug hunting was done by all. We even found a frog, a newt and a stickleback! It really is a worthwhile place to go and explore.
Here are some photos of what we got up to.

Monday 6 February 2012

What we've been up to...

Hello to all and it's hard to believe its only a week till half term. Thankyou to all the Year 1 parents who have been busy completeing your childs family tree with them.You have all been working hard! The photos will be looked after and returned safely.
Thankyou also to all the Reception parents who are all working hard at home with your childs reading folder! The children are making excellent progress and books are being returned regularly.

We have been learning all about 2d and 3d shapes this week also and found lots of interesting shapes around the school.
We have been on a litter pick around the school and Mr.Hole was kind enough to lend his litter pickers. The children couldn't believe how much litter was around the school.

So have a happy half term and don't forget school finishes this week on Thursday the 9th Feb as we have an INSET day.
Thankyou    Mrs. Brown

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Some photos of what we've been up to already this term

We have an opticians role-play in the class which the children are enjoying.

We have also been on a walk around Crown Hill to look at different types of houses and we have been making the most of the dry weather to do some counting outside!

Spring term 2012

Hello and welcome back to all! Our theme for Year 1 is Magic Moments this term and our theme for Reception is ' Our Precious World.'
The Year 1 children will be concentrating on s[ecial days and times, and also learning about the history of their family. Science work will include lots about the body and the senses.
                         Reception children will learn about how we cam protect our world and ways to improve their environment.They may be asked to bring in photographs of family.
At the beginning of this term, we will be celebrating Chinese New Year and hopefully tasting some noodles!
Mrs Brown