Monday 12 September 2011

Welcome back!

Welcome back to school to our new class and a special big welcome to all the Reception children who have made a great addition to Area 3.
                       Our theme this term is 'Colour' and we will be looking at the stories of 'The Rainbow Fish' and 'Mrs. Rainbow'. This fortnight we are collecting red items for Mrs. Rainbow's Cottage- our new roleplay area for Area 3.
                       We will also be having a fruit shop in our class to help,us learn more about money.
 P.E. day is on a Monday so could all children bring the required kit fully labelled on a Monday morning. Could the children all bring in a pair of wellies also as we will be doing lot of forest schools activities this term.
Feel free to pop in to ask how your child is settling at any time!
Thankyou              Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Williams