Friday 25 March 2011

Easter Fayre

Hello to all and hope you all enjoy the long weekend this weekend . It was lovely to catch up with those of you who came to Parents Evening this week.

Just a reminder to say it is the Easter Fayre this Wednesday ( 30th March) The day will be a non uniform day and the forfeit for no uniform will be to bring in a small Mother's Day gift also if possible.
Thankyou and here are some photos of our trip to Llantrisant Church for the mock Christening.

Mrs. Brown      Miss Brush

Monday 14 March 2011

Class 9 were all very sad to see student teacher Miss Helen Harvey leave.They all wished her a very fond farewell and hope she'll come back to visit soon.

We had a very successful visit to Llantrisant Church and the mock christening was enjoyed by all who attended.
The children had lots of fun picking the name for the baby and 'Ava Ruby' was finally decided upon as the baby's name.
We were also lucky enough to attend the Indian dancing session in the hall and everyone took part with lots of enthusiasm.
For the rest of the term, we will be continuing to look at the weather aswell as our mini topic - India.
If possible, could the children bring in any toys they have which are featured in our story - Arthur and the Meanies.The Indian animals featured in the story are - elephants,cheetahs,tigers,monkeys,frogs,ducks and peacocks.

A reminder also to all that P.E. is still on Thursday and children will be taking part in Tennis sessions with Miss Bridie Lynch for the rest of the term.
Mrs. Brown   Miss Brush