Thursday 25 November 2010

Christmas Activities

Hello to all                 
Just a reminder to children not to bring in P.E. kits for the next few weeks as our hall times will be designated to practising for the concert.

Well done to everyone on learning their lines for the concert. As the children are still only in Year 1, they have done really well to learn all the lines.
Also, a reminder to all to bring costumes in by Friday 3rd December . Any problems with costumes, pop in to let me know.

See you all tomorrow for the fete hopefully .
Mrs. Brown

Sunday 17 October 2010

St. Fagans

We had a lovely trip last week to St. Fagans. The children's behaviour was excellent and they all thoroughly enjoyed visiting the houses and asking lots of questions despite only being in Year 1!!

Other news for this week - we have our Harvest afternoon at 2.45 on Tuesday 19th  ( all welcome !!)  and our Harvest assembly in school on Thursday 21st October.

We have had a lovely first half term and I wish everyone a good half term break !!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Hello to all,

Thankyou to all those of you who have already completed your models of buildings in the local area. We have had some very creative houses, castles and stables.
Keep them coming in!!!

Also, we have a bit of a mystery to be solved in our class !! A little girl went home with the wrong black Clarks shoes last week that are too small for her. She took home a size 10 and a half, but is missing a size 11. If you have any information about the whereabouts of the missing shoes, please let us know soon.
Thankyou   Mrs. Brown     Miss Brush

Thursday 23 September 2010

Welcome back Class 9 !!!

Well done to all the children for settling very quickly into Year One with all the new routines.
Out theme for this term is 'Where do you live ?' I would be very grateful for any pictures of the children's homes. Thankyou to those of you who have already completed your hometasks and helped your child make a model of their home or another building in the local area.

We are also learning about homes from the past, and will be having a trip to St. Fagans on October 14th. Letters to follow.
P.E. will be on a Thursday, and could the children bring in wellies for next week.
Mrs. E.Brown

Monday 21 June 2010

Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside !

Thankyou for all the lovely shells and seaside souvenirs already brought in to support our topic.
We will be learning all about the seaside from now until the end of term and I would be most grateful if everyone could bring in a seaside souvenir for next week as the children will be completing some work on this topic. These could include anything from a simple shell or pebble, to a postcard or an ornament. It would be good if you could have a chat about the souvenir also with your child so that they can tell the rest of the class about it!
It would also be great if the children could bring in any stories about the seaside to share with the class.

Next week we will be reading a story called ' The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.' We will be creating our own healthy sandwiches to have for a class picnic which the children will design themselves. If anyone has any queries about food available for the sandwiches, please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Other News -
Weather permitting - Sports Day will be held on Thursday 24th June. Could you please ensure your child has a hat and drink for this day and all other hot days.

Thankyou very much also for the beautiful buckets which were created for Area 3 Hometask. They have certainly helped to brighten up the schoolgrounds !

Also, don't forget to keep us updated on the progress of the sunflowers which the children took home ! I hope they are surviving the hot temperatures.

Thankyou again Mrs. Brown.

Sunday 25 April 2010

In the Garden !!

Thankyou to all the contributions to Africa week. Also, remember if anyone has any ' Bangles Beads or Belts' they don't want, Maesybryn is collecting for a jewellery stall for the Ugandan evening on Thursday to which all will be welcome.
The children gained alot from African week. They had a chance to have a go at African drumming, listen to tales from an African storyteller and make lots of African crafts aswell as tasting African fruits and vegetables.

As you will have seen in the newletter with the term plans given out on Friday, during the next fortnight, we will be getting out and about as much as possible to complete our Gardening work.
Class 8 have already planted potatoes and we will be monitoring these closely. We will also be planting sunflower seeds so that the children can each have a chance to watch their plants grow and measure their stems. We will also be studying minibeasts and getting out and about in the school grounds for bug hunts. So, if the children have not yet brought wellies back in, could they please do so soon for their adventures in the garden.
If the children have any stories about plants,flowers or minibeasts they would like to bring in,it would be greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Brown

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Summer Term

Welcome back to everybody after the Easter break. Hope you have all had a good rest. The children told us their news today and all about what they,ve been up to.

This term we will be learning all about ' The Garden ' and ' The Seaside and our plans will be posted soon. But, for the next fortnight our mini topic will be Africa - to coincide with ' Africa Week ' in Maesybryn next week where the children will have a go at drumming and complete some African artwork.
The children have already started looking at animal prints and had a lovely stort ' A balloon for Grandad ' today. If the children have any other stories or pictures about Africa or models of African animals ( plastic or soft ) they are very welcome to bring them in. Any cardboard tubes such as pringle containers or kitchen roll tubes would be greatly appreciated.
Mrs. Brown

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Fun at Easter

Thankyou very much for all the hard work that has gone into the Easter Bonnets !! It would be lovely to see you all at the Easter Coffee Afternoon on Wed 24th March to watch your children sing, finished off with a cake or two !!
Also there has been a great response to the request to bring in items associated with Wales and Australia this term. Your creations ( castles,lovespoons,jewellery calendars etc ) are being displayed at the moment and will be returned safely after the holidays.
Just left to say - Have a Happy Easter to all !!! Pasg Hapus !!!
Mrs. Brown

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Out and About

This term we are hoping to get out and about as the weather improves ! Please could the children bring their wellies back in as soon as possible so that we can have some supervised walks in and around the school grounds without getting too messy!

Mrs. Brown

Thursday 14 January 2010

Class 8

Welcome to the class 8 blog. Hope to hear from you soon


Hello everyone. I hope you have been enjoying the snow this last couple of days. Don't forget to bring in any photos to show the class. It will be nice to see everybody again and start the new work for this term. More will be posted about this soon. Travel safely coming back into school!

Monday 11 January 2010