Thursday 26 May 2011

Anyone for Tennis?

It has come to the end of our tennis season with coach Bridie Lynch.We had an enjoyable few weeks down in Llantrisant also, despite having to venture into the leisure centre today to keep away from the rain! Here are some photos of the children hard at work before they enjoyed their strawberries wimbledon style!

Hope everyone has a lovely half term!
Mrs. Brown     Miss Brush

Sunday 22 May 2011

Summer Term

A big thankyou to those of you who have already donated costumes/books to use this term for our theme
' All things bright and beautiful.' The children are enjoying the theme and have already been up to the willow garden on several ' bughunts'.They have also been closely monitoring our class planters and we have planted carrots and potatoes- so could wellies still be brought in while the weather is still unpredicatable please.
                     The class have also been enjoying the tennis with Miss Bridie Lynch and we had a lovely first visit to Llantrisant Tennis Club. Next week we hope to have strawberries and drinks - Wimbledon style after our session.
                Other exciting news - last week we were lucky enough to have a special visitor - a six week old bijon frisse puppy, courtesy of Anisha and her Dad. Anisha allowed the class to suggest names for her puppy and finally settled on Rose!
Mrs. Brown and Miss Brush